Podcasts, Interviews, In the News RB Noone Podcasts, Interviews, In the News RB Noone

Dr. Noone Talks Plastic Surgery Advancements with KYW Newsradio

When plastic surgery practices reopened after the initial wave of the pandemic, procedures increased by 44 percent, according to a 2021 report by the American Society of Aesthetic Surgery. Dr. Barrett Noone talks with KYW Newsradio In Depth about how the practice has advanced over the years and how he thinks plastic surgery will evolve.

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Podcasts, Interviews, In the News RB Noone Podcasts, Interviews, In the News RB Noone

Dr. Noone Featured on “Plastic Surgery Decoded” Podcast

Dr. R. Barrett Noone weaves the fascinating tale of the progress, the triumphs, and even the missteps of the specialty of Plastic Surgery, in his new book “From Trenches to Transplants: Changing Lives with Plastic Surgery”. And, he highlights all of this with some surprising and heartwarming patient stories along the way.

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