Dr. Noone Talks Plastic Surgery Advancements with KYW Newsradio

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Deeper than botox – examining advancements in plastic surgery

Hosted by Matt Leon

When plastic surgery practices reopened after the initial wave of the pandemic, procedures increased by 44 percent, according to a 2021 report by the American Society of Aesthetic Surgery. The top three surgical procedures were liposuction, breast augmentation, and abdominoplasty. While these procedures are common, they overrepresent the types of plastic surgery that exist. Which surgeries are underrepresented? How were they discovered? Dr. R. Barrett Noone’s book, “From Trenches to Transplants,” examines the history of plastic surgery, beginning at the trenches of World War I. He tells us how the practice has advanced over the years and how he thinks plastic surgery will evolve.


Dr. Noone Featured on “Plastic Surgery Decoded” Podcast